Abandoned Acres is conveniently located near Grand Rapids and Lansing in Sparta Michigan.
Abandoned Acres Escape Rooms
450 S State St B
Sparta MI. 49345
Phone: 616 286-2818
Abandoned Acres Escape Room
Michigan Escape Rooms
Abandoned Acres is conveniently located near Grand Rapids and Lansing in Sparta Michigan.
Abandoned Acres Escape Rooms
450 S State St B
Sparta MI. 49345
Phone: 616 286-2818
Abandoned Acres Escape Rooms
450 S State St B
Sparta MI. 49345
Phone: 616-286-2818
Prices, dates, times, attractions, entertainment, and/or experience details are subject to availability, changes and/or cancellation without notice. Attractions may close or be unavailable due to capacity and are subject to change without notice.